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Ontario town’s council dissolves its HR committee, citing competent and capable HR department

November 11, 2022
The Canadian Press

Photo: Municipality of North Perth's Website
By Melissa Dunphy, Listowel Banner

Ontario’s North Perth council has dissolved the Human Resources Committee effective for the new council during its Nov. 7 meeting.

The HR committee was established in 2009 as its purpose being to act, support and provide advice to the council in relation to HR matters. The committee was composed of three members of council, including the mayor, deputy mayor and one councillor, as appointed. The CAO and the human resources coordinator sat as advisors to the committee and had non-voting membership.

“The highly-regulated HR profession continues to evolve rapidly with expectations to adapt to ongoing social and cultural changes, globalization and technical changes, employment legislation updates, all while maintaining compliance and driving workplaces forward,” stated the report presented to council suggesting to dissolve the committee.

The committee recommended that council dissolve the body, with the understanding that “appropriate measures will remain in place to maintain effective communication surrounding HR practices with council as needed,” explained the report. “HR will ensure North Perth aligns with best practices in the industry while maintaining efficient and robust HR practices.”

It was found that there is a competent and capable HR department with final approval by the CAO. Additionally, council approval and regular updates on HR plans, policies and programs will continue as required, with the HR department. At the HR Committee meeting on Oct. 18, a motion was passed to recommend dissolving it, effective for the 2022 new term of council.

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