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Ontario workplace screening modified to reflect impact of vaccination

July 8, 2021
By Sherrard Kuzz LLP

On June 30, the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Ontario updated its COVID-19 Screening Tool for Businesses and Organizations (Screening Workers).

Every business or organization must ensure a worker is actively screened each day before the worker enters the workplace or starts their shift, regardless of vaccination status. 

Recent updates/amendments to the screening tool

A worker can answer “no”, if:

  • the worker is experiencing a listed symptom (headache, muscle aches/joint pain, fatigue), so long as the worker was vaccinated within the previous 48 hours and began experiencing the symptom(s) only after vaccination.
  • the worker lives with someone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or waiting for test results after experiencing symptoms, so long as the worker is fully vaccinated and has not been advised to self-isolate by public health.
  • the worker lives with someone experiencing mild headache, fatigue, muscle aches, and/or joint pain, so long as symptoms began after vaccination (regardless of vaccination status of the worker).

There is an new question: “In the last 10 days, have you tested positive on a rapid antigen test or a home-based self-testing kit?” 

The question related to travel outside of Canada now reads, “In the last 14 days, have you travelled outside of Canada AND been advised to quarantine per the federal quarantine requirements?”  This change reflects the new exemption to the 14-day quarantine requirement that applies to most fully-vaccinated Canadian travellers.

For more information, contact Sherrard Kuzz lawyer at info@sherrardkuzz.com.

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