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I asked ChatGPT to handle some everyday HR tasks: This is what happened

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December 29, 2022
By Todd Humber

(Getty Images)

I’m equal parts impressed and terrified by ChatGPT, the artificial intelligence tool that can do just about anything you ask it to do.

While it might not quite be ready for prime time, and it can make mistakes, there are thousands of examples of it executing programming requests, creating marketing campaigns and even writing blog posts at a high level. It’s fairly tough to stump.

I decided to see how ChatGPT would handle some everyday workplace tasks that cross the desks of HR professionals.

The text in bold is what I asked ChatGPT to do. The text below is the completely unedited response. And away we go.

Todd: In 50 words or less, what is the hardest part of an HR professional’s job?

ChatGPT: The hardest part of an HR professional’s job may be finding ways to effectively balance the needs of the organization with the needs of the employees.

HR professionals are responsible for managing and coordinating the people-related activities and resources within an organization, which can often involve making difficult decisions that may not be popular with all employees.

This requires strong communication and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to navigate complex and sometimes conflicting priorities.

Todd: Write me a script, to give to a manager, who has to terminate an employee. I want the manager to show compassion in the termination, but also be firm that the position has been eliminated. 

ChatGPT: Dear [Employee],

I wanted to speak with you today to let you know that unfortunately, we have made the decision to eliminate your position at the company. This was not an easy decision to make, and I understand that this news may come as a surprise and may be difficult for you to hear.

I want to assure you that this decision was not based on your job performance, which has always been strong. However, due to changes in the business and economic climate, we have had to make difficult decisions to ensure the long-term sustainability of the company.

I understand that this news will likely come as a shock and may be difficult for you to process. Please know that we are committed to supporting you through this transition and will do our best to help you with your job search.

I want to thank you for your hard work and dedication to the company over the years. It has been a pleasure working with you, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Sincerely, [Manager]

Todd: I’m sharing a job posting on LinkedIn. We’re hiring a new social media manager in Vancouver, and I want to share it with my network. Can you write copy for me that will increase the number of likes and shares it gets? 50 words maximum

ChatGPT: Attention social media enthusiasts! We are hiring a new social media manager in Vancouver. If you are a driven professional with a passion for driving results through social media, apply now and join our marketing team. This is a great opportunity to advance your career and shape our online presence. Share with your network and help us find the best candidate for this role.

Todd: How much severance and termination pay do I need to give a worker in Ontario who has worked for us for 15 years? Answer in less than 50 words

ChatGPT: An employee in Ontario with 15 years of service is entitled to 26 weeks of severance pay from an employer with a payroll over $2.5 million and eight weeks of severance pay from an employer with a payroll under $2.5 million. The employee may also be entitled to termination pay. Consult the Ontario Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA) or seek legal advice to ensure compliance with all requirements.

Todd: We are dealing with a sexual harassment complaint in the workplace. At this point, we don’t have evidence but need to inform the accused that we are starting an investigation. How do we approach this worker with this information?

ChatGPT: It is important to handle a sexual harassment complaint in the workplace with sensitivity and care. If you do not have any evidence of the alleged harassment at this point, it is important to inform the accused that you are starting an investigation into the matter and that they have the right to respond to the allegations.

Here is a potential script for approaching the accused worker with this information:

“Hello [Employee],

I wanted to speak with you today about a serious matter. We have received a complaint alleging that you engaged in sexual harassment in the workplace.

I want to make it clear that we take all allegations of sexual harassment very seriously and will be conducting a thorough investigation into this matter. Please understand that we are not making any assumptions about your guilt or innocence at this time. You have the right to respond to these allegations and to have a representative present during any interviews related to this investigation.

We will be in touch with you in the coming days to schedule an interview and discuss next steps. In the meantime, please do not discuss this matter with anyone else in the company.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, [Your Name]”

It is important to note that this is just one potential approach and that each situation will be unique. It may be helpful to consult with HR or legal counsel to ensure that you are handling the complaint and investigation in a fair and appropriate manner.

Todd: What are the biggest issues facing employers in Canada going in to 2023?

ChatGPT: There are several issues that are likely to continue to be major concerns for employers in Canada going into 2023. Some of the most significant issues may include:

  1. Talent acquisition and retention: Finding and retaining top talent is always a challenge for employers, and this is likely to continue to be a major concern going into 2023.
  2. Workplace diversity and inclusion: Ensuring that the workplace is welcoming and inclusive for all employees, regardless of their background or identity, is increasingly important for employers.
  3. Employee engagement and retention: Keeping employees motivated, engaged, and committed to their work is crucial for the success of any organization.
  4. Managing the impact of technology: The rapid pace of technological change is likely to continue to present challenges for employers, who will need to stay up to date with new tools and technologies and find ways to effectively implement them in the workplace.
  5. Managing remote work: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in remote work, and employers will need to find ways to effectively manage and support remote teams going forward.
  6. Health and safety: Ensuring the health and safety of employees is always a top priority for employers, and this is likely to continue to be a major concern going into 2023, particularly in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  7. Managing work-life balance: Finding ways to support employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance will continue to be a challenge.

Todd: What advice, in 50 words or less, would you give to HR professionals?

ChatGPT: HR professionals should focus on building strong relationships with employees, staying up to date with employment laws and best practices, and being proactive in addressing potential issues before they escalate.

It is also important to be empathetic and understanding of the needs and concerns of employees, while also being firm in enforcing policies and making tough decisions when necessary.

Todd: Write me a haiku about HR professionals.


HR professionals, hearts of gold
Guiding and supporting all
Bringing peace to the fold

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