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News Mental Health
Mental health issues are driving 62% of absences: Survey

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November 29, 2023
By Talent Canada

(Sergey Nivens/Adobe Stock)

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of missed work days are a result of employees needing time to address their mental health, according to a new survey.

The report, from Dialogue Health Technologies, also found that more than half (58%) of employees surveyed believe their managers are not prepare to support their mental health needs, and one in three feel the psychological support in their workplace is insufficient.

It also uncovered the toll that remote work is taking on some people, with 36% of remote employees reporting that being at home has had a negative impact on their mental health.

“Many working Canadians face a slew of challenges when seeking mental health support, including financial barriers, lack of access to a primary care provider, or simply being unaware of the resources at their disposal,” said Marc Robin, medical director, Dialogue. “Anxiety and depression have become 25% more prevalent in the last few years… Reaching them early on is very impactful on their journey towards remission.”

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