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Teacher dispute all about compensation: Ontario Premier

March 5, 2020
By Shawn Jeffords/The Canadian Press

Ontario Premier Doug Ford says the lack of progress in contract talks with public school teachers even after the government’s concessions on class size and e-learning shows the ongoing dispute is all about compensation.

Ford levelled the criticism at the province’s four major teachers’ unions during debate at the provincial legislature Thursday morning, as educators marched around the building, protesting the contentious talks.

Concessions from Queen’s Park

On Tuesday, the Progressive Conservative government offered to increase average high school class sizes from 22 last year to 23 next year — instead of the government’s original target of 28 — and allow an opt-out for e-learning courses the Tories previously said would be mandatory.

The premier said Thursday the moves should have paved the way to deals with the unions, but because it hasn’t yet resulted in progress, it shows the real issue keeping the parties from an agreement is teachers’ pay.

“My message to the unions is that party is over with the taxpayers money,” Ford said. “Pack your bags and get back into the classroom.”

The teachers’ unions have said they would not sign a deal that included class size increases and mandatory online learning — two of the cost-cutting measures the government said were necessary to balance the books.

The government has offered teachers a one per cent pay increase, while teachers are asking for closer to two per cent.

‘Reasonable moves’: Education minister

Education Minister Stephen Lece said Thursday the government has made “reasonable moves” at the table that would effectively freeze class sizes, offer a parental opt out for online learning, and a commitment to full-day kindergarten.

“It’s time for the unions to get off the lawn and get back to the table,” he said.

Meanwhile, teachers with the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation and Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association carried banners and signs around the legislature Thursday morning, calling on the government to bargain in good faith.

The protests were part of larger provincewide job actions held by unions in the French and English Catholic school systems.

Walkouts continue

Some public high school teachers also held a walkouts at nine school boards as part of their union’s ongoing series of rotating, one-day strikes.

The president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation said Thursday that the government’s latest offer would still result in the loss of nearly 1,800 teacher jobs and thousands of course offerings.

Harvey Bischof said the government presented its latest position with “no flexibility”, leading the union to conclude they could not return to talks.

“They clearly laid out, essentially, take it or leave it proposals that cut off any avenue to a deal,” he said.

“There are several aspects of what we were talking about they had established as essentially bottom lines with no flexibility.”

Public support

Bischof said he believes parents continue to support the teachers in the tense contract talks, despite the new government position on class size and e-learning.

“I’m not concerned that the public will suddenly decide that they want to support cuts to the quality of their children’s education,” he said. “(Lecce is) still talking about cutting thousands and thousands of course options out of the system.”

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association was in talks with the government Thursday. OSSTF currently has no dates scheduled to meet with the government.

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario is not engaging in any strikes this week, but the union has said if contract deals aren’t reached by Friday, they will begin a new phase of strikes effective Monday.

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