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Year in review: Talent Canada’s top 10 most popular articles of 2023

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December 18, 2023
By Todd Humber

The top 10 articles, by views, on Talent Canada for 2023.

As the clock runs out on 2023, we pause to take a look back at the year that was in the world of work.

Talent Canada has been at the forefront of the conversation, capturing the pulse of workplace changes through a diverse range of compelling articles as we welcomed a record number of visitors to the website.

The top 10 articles of 2023, as selected by our readers, provide a fascinating snapshot of the current workplace landscape. From groundbreaking legal decisions impacting family rights and gender equality to the complexities of managing remote teams and accommodating neurodivergent employees, these articles offer insightful perspectives on the issues shaping today’s work environments.

The list includes stories of technological advancements like the use of tracking software in remote work settings, revealing the fine line between productivity management and privacy concerns. Additionally, it highlights the ongoing conversation around workplace culture, including the repercussions of insensitive employee dismissals and the urgent need to address systemic sexism and safety in the workplace.

Here’s the stories our readers clicked on the most over the last 12 months.

Rumeet Billan, CEO of Women of Influence+.

Number 10: Successful women are being bullied, challenged on progress: Tallest Poppy 2023 study

The 2023 Tallest Poppy study by Women of Influence+ reveals that 86.8% of women have faced “Tall Poppy Syndrome,” where success leads to being undermined or belittled. Men in leadership roles often penalize successful women, while women tend to target peers. This syndrome results in stress, mental health issues, and reduced self-confidence for the victims. It also harms organizational culture, leading to talent loss. The study calls for organizations to address this issue by creating a transparent, supportive environment and holding perpetrators accountable. Read the full story.

(fizkes/Adobe Stock)

Number 9: B.C. tribunal orders woman to repay employer for ‘time theft’ while working at home

A British Columbia tribunal ordered an accountant to pay over $2,600 to her former employer, Reach CPA Inc., for “time theft.” The employer used tracking software, TimeCamp, which showed a 50-hour discrepancy between the accountant’s timesheets and her actual work. The accountant claimed she didn’t understand the software, but the tribunal found this irrelevant as the software automatically differentiated between work and personal activities. This misconduct led to an irreparable breakdown in the employment relationship, justifying her dismissal. Read the full story.

New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs delivers the state of the province address on Feb. 9, 2023. Photo: Government of New Brunswick

Number 8: Fired New Brunswick hospital CEO awarded $2 million, including damages for manner of dismissal

The New Brunswick government was ordered to pay over $2 million in damages for improperly dismissing Dr. John Doran, former CEO of Horizon Health Network. The termination, handled publicly and insensitively, led to $200,000 in aggravated damages. Additionally, a void termination clause in Doran’s contract, presented after he started work, resulted in the province owing him $1.8 million for the remaining contract period. The case marks the province’s largest employment compensation award. Read the full story.

Photo: Adobe Stock

Number 7: B.C. court decision a ‘significant win’ for parental rights, commissioner says

The B.C. Court of Appeal’s decision, recognizing workplace discrimination based on ‘family status’, is hailed as a significant step for gender equality. This ruling acknowledges that employment terms interfering with parental duties constitute discrimination. The case, involving welder Lisa Harvey and Gibraltar Mines Ltd., emphasizes the need for employers to accommodate workers’ family responsibilities, addressing systematic sexism in workplaces. This decision makes challenging such discrimination more accessible, highlighting its prevalence and the need for visibility and action against entrenched sexism. Read the full story.

Dave McKay, president and CEO of RBC

Number 6: RBC’s CEO raises alarm bells over productivity, innovation with hybrid work: ‘We likely need more people back’

David McKay, CEO of RBC, discussed the challenges of remote work during an earnings call, noting productivity and innovation struggles in hybrid working environments. He suggested a need for more physical office presence, though not full-time. McKay acknowledged the difficulty in balancing talent management, culture building, and productivity in the current scenario. He also highlighted the impact of inflation on compensation and business costs. Read the full story.

Photo: Neirfy/Adobe Stock.

Number 5: Is a neurodivergent worker on your team struggling? You might be the problem

In Canada, with an estimated 15-20% of the population being neurodivergent, accommodating these workers is crucial. A case in Alberta highlighted this, where a neurodivergent nurse, initially thriving under a supportive manager, faced challenges with new management, leading to her license suspension and job loss. The arbitration ruling, awarding her human rights damages, underscores the importance of proper accommodation for neurodivergent employees and the high cost of failing to do so. Read the full story.

Photo: scyther5 iStock/Getty

Number 4: What is LockBit, the malicious software used against Indigo, SickKids?

Indigo Books & Music Inc. experienced a significant systems outage due to a ransomware attack using LockBit, a software linked to a group operating as ransomware-as-a-service. LockBit infiltrates networks through vulnerabilities, controlling systems and encrypting data. The attack on Indigo, which refused to pay the ransom, reflects LockBit’s global reach, including attacks on major organizations. Experts advise against paying ransoms, emphasizing staff training in phishing prevention as the best defense. Read the full story.

Number 3: In Her Shoes: Conversations on Women’s Health in the Workplace

Talent Canada, alongside Sun Life, hosted a roundtable on women’s health in the workplace, featuring experts from various fields. The discussion highlighted pressing issues like menopause, cardiovascular disease, mental health, and the unique challenges in male-dominated industries. The panel addressed barriers, stigma, and the need for inclusive support, emphasizing the importance of understanding and accommodating women’s health needs in work environments. Read the full series.

The TELUS logo on an office building in downtown Toronto. Photo: Adobe Stock

Number 2: TELUS launches Indigenous Wellness Benefit for employees

TELUS has introduced an Indigenous Wellness Benefit, offering up to $1,000 coverage for traditional healing practices to promote overall well-being. This includes expenses for indigenous healers, traditional medicines, ceremony fees, and travel. The initiative reflects TELUS’ commitment to diversity and inclusion, and is part of their efforts towards reconciliation with Indigenous communities. Read full story.

A GO Train running in Ontario. Photo: Metrolinx

Number 1: Five GO Transit drivers, fired for crude WhatsApp chats, awarded jobs back as arbitrator criticizes biased investigation

In Ontario, five GO Transit bus drivers, fired for making derogatory remarks about female colleagues in a private WhatsApp group, were reinstated with back pay by an arbitrator. The conversations, deemed private and off-duty, raised questions about privacy and workplace policy enforcement. Despite the offensive nature of their comments, the arbitrator ruled the investigation lacked impartiality and evidence of workplace impact, leading to their unjust termination and subsequent reinstatement. Read full story.

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